7 Tips For a Healthier Looking Skin In 2 Weeks

7 Tips For a Healthier Looking Skin In 2 Weeks

No matter the age, everyone would want to maintain glowing, beautiful skin. We all appreciate young-looking skins and therefore there is a need to do something that will help you enjoy this goal. There are various things you can do to help maintain glowing and supple skin without necessarily spending a lot of money in the process.

Check your diet, eat healthily

Your diet has a big role to play in maintaining healthy, youthful skin. You should consume a lot of vegetables and fruits, especially those that are rich in antioxidants including vitamin C. Additionally, opt for foods that are low in unhealthy fats, sugars and avoid processed foods as these can negatively affect your skin.

Some of the foods that are rich in healthy fats and antioxidants include avocadoes, strawberries and red peppers. In addition to a healthy diet, I take Bimuno Immunaid is a prebiotic, that, unlike probiotics, feeds your existing ‘good’ bacteria in your gut and helps them to thrive.

Drink a lot of water

Exposing your skin to different environmental elements will leave it looking and feeling dry. Even at home or in the office where air and heat conditioning units are used, the effects can easily be seen on your skin if you do not take proper care. You should drink a lot of water to avoid skin dehydration.

Skin dehydration causes wrinkles and lines to develop and thus you can stop or reverse this kind of problem by drinking more water each day. The best thing to do is to drink 2 or 3 litres of water daily thus making your tissue more supple, reducing wrinkles and lines. Whenever you feel thirsty, consider drinking water instead of soft drinks as these are concentrated in caffeine and sugar which is bad for your skin health.

Herbal teas will also be good if sweetened with honey rather than processed sugar.

Cleanse the skin and exfoliate

Your skin is exposed to harsh climate during the day including wind, dust and sun. These together with the makeup you use on your skin normally causes dead skin cells to accumulate thus making it look old and dull. You should cleanse your skin using gentle cleansers thus removing all makeup on the skin surface before exfoliating to get rid of the dead cells.

This will help expose the fresh cells that are suffocated by the dead ones making your skin look younger and feel fresh. You can use plain yoghurt for cleansing but avoid harsh chemicals at all costs. If you don’t have time then you can do a chemical peel at CoLaz.

It’s not just about the skin on your face either. Take care of your bikini line with products such as Aloe Clear, which is one of the best UK ingrown hair treatments, for beautifully moisturised skin. Thanks to its anti-bacterial, exfoliating action and with a natural blend of moisturising Aloe Vera, soothing Mentha Piperita, Aloeclear delivers the clearest, freshest skin possible after hair removal plus quickly lifting pre-existing grows to the surface.

Embrace a healthy lifestyle

An unhealthy lifestyle such as smoking will damage your skin, making it age fast. Smoking causes an increased wrinkle formation on the face since the smoke from the cigarette narrows the blood vessels responsible for supplying nutrients and oxygen to the skin. The smoke also causes damage to elastin and collagen, two substances responsible for keeping the skin elastic and strong.

Wear sunscreen and protective clothes

Exposing your skin to too many sun rays normally leads to its damage. This is caused by free radicals and the best thing to do is to wear gentle sunscreens and protective clothes.

Avoid products that contain harsh chemicals which are likely to do more harm than good. One of the natural ways to protect your skin from harmful UV rays is by wearing a protective hat or long-sleeved blouses or shirts.


Applying the right moisturiser on your skin in the morning and before bedtime will help refresh your skin and maintain its suppleness. Look for moisturisers that contain Vitamin E, aloe and olive oil and avoid those containing parabens, sulphate and sodium

Avoid scrubbing your skin so hard

Your skin contains some useful oils and harsh scrubbing and washing will strip it of these. Only wash your skin gently and in circular movements to massage the veins for enhanced blood circulation. Additionally, avoid squeezing spots if you have them but instead visit a therapist or dermatologist.

As you can see, these tips are not expensive but have amazing effects on your skin. Your skin is the biggest body organ and taking care of it will be rewarding. You will not only feel good but also look young and attractive.

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